Sunday, May 4, 2008

Prague, Czech Republic- Day 1


Some of you may or may not know that I am in Eastern Europe for the next 10 days. I am participating in an international business trip which is a requirement of my MBA program. After a 3 1/2 hour flight from Salt Lake to Atlanta, a 3 hour layover, and a 9 hour flight from Atlanta to Prague, Czech Republic we finally arrived at noon 04/24/2008. I ended up getting about two hours of sleep on the flight in.

After arriving at our hotel (Quality Inn Prague- nothing "quality" about it), my fellow students and I hopped on the tram down to the center of the city and just explored for the day. This is my second trip to your Europe. My first trip was in May 2003 to Barcelona, Spain as part of a semester abroad program through the University of Utah. Prague doesn't quite match up to Barcelona in my opinion; but the city is nothing short of absolutely beautiful. I was immediately blown away by the amazing architecture in the city. Every corner you turn there are amazing structures. It is a great place to just get lost and explore. I can't even tell you the names of all of the places we saw today- I know lame. However, I will be here for the next 4 days and by the end, I should be able to give some descriptions of my pictures.

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